August 6, 2021
I had a wonderful time talking to Annabel Garcia Torres on her podcast, Latinx On The Rise. We covered various issues; it was a free, fluid conversation ranging from identity to Latinx solidarity or lack of it. We still had sufficient time to incorporate Migrations into our talk. Listen here.
July 18, 2021
If you have a chance, check out Chris Maden’s review of Migrations. It’s always interesting to read a review about my work from someone who admittedly knows little of Puerto Rico. It’s here:
May 27, 2021
Thanks to Robin Caudell of the hometown Press-Republican for interviewing and writing an article on Migrations. You can find it here:
MAY 20, 2021
Look for my guest post on Mindy McGinnis’s blog, Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire. The essay, “Writing the Puerto Rican Diaspora,” will go up on Monday, May 31st, 8:00 AM. Read it here:
OCTOBER 7, 2020

Happy and proud that my second short story collection, Migrations, was selected by Luis Alberto Urrea as the winner of the inaugural Tomas River Literary Prize.
JULY 8, 2020
I’m honored that my current short story collection, Migrations, was selected as one of three finalists for the Tomás Rivera Literary Prize. The prize is co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Review of Books and UC Riverside. To date, Migrations (formerly Go Make Some Fire) has also been a finalist for the C&R Book Award and long-listed for the Santa Fe Writers Project’s Book Awards. LARB will publish the winning manuscript under their new imprint, Libros. The judge is award-winning novelist, poet and essayist, Luis Albero Urrea. The winner will be announced on October 1, 2020. Keeping my fingers crossed!
AUGUST 25, 2019
The Killens Review, out of CUNY Medgar Evers, is publishing an excerpt from my novel in progress, Clemente Burning, in the fall edition. This excerpt is also included in my current story collection, Go Make Some Fire. Thanks to Clarence Reynolds, the Editor of Killens Review, for giving this piece a home.
AUGUST 21, 2019
Another little dose of validation from the Santa Fe Writers Project:
Judging continues… We expect to have a short list within the next 2-3 weeks, and then the winner will be announced soon after. I will send another message for each of those stages.
Right now, I would love it if you followed us and shouted out about this victory. This may be a long list, but it was not easy to achieve. Your craftsmanship and your voice stood out above nearly a thousand others.
We’re on Twitter @sfwp, and on Facebook and Instagram @santafewritersproject.
Good luck!
MARCH 17, 2019
Received this reaffirming response to my entry, “Sucio,” for the Disquiet Literary Contest:
Dear J.L. Torres,
Thank you for submitting to the 2019 Disquiet Literary Contest. This year’s contest received over 1,400 entries, many of exceptional quality. While we’re sorry to say that you were not selected as one of this year’s winners, congratulations are still in order. Out of that impressive pool of work you made it all the way to the final longlist of submissions.
In fact, our readers thought your entry was an unexpected and fresh surprise on gender and sexuality politics. The distinctive voice and language of your prose display the need for a dialogue about diverse masculinity. A rewarding read! Based on the promise of your writing and in hopes that you might be able to join us for the Disquiet Literary Program in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 23-July 5, we are happy to offer you a partial tuition scholarship worth $500 toward tuition.
I won’t be going, but it’s always great to hear some validation for your work.
JANUARY, 2019 Look what I received! Contributor copies of my poetry collection, Boricua Passport, with the spectacular cover designed by Vagabond. Thanks to 2Leaf Press and U. of Chicago Press.

DECEMBER, 2018 Thanks to the editors of Boricua en la Luna for accepting my poem, “Speechless in Carajo County,” for this special anthology. Proceeds of this book will go to assist in hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico. Look for it in mid-2019.
JULY, 2017 Check out my short story, “The Adventures of Macho the Dwarf, or an Allegory of Epic Proportions about a Little Person,” published in the Eckleburg Review:
You might want to also check out the Selfie Interview at Eckleburg:
DECEMBER 30, 2015 What a nice way to end the year; with a wonderful review of my poetry collection, Boricua Passport written by Marilyn McCabe for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise.
DECEMBER, 2015 Check out Reunion: The Dallas Review, volume 5, which includes my story, “On the Virtual Failings of Love.” If you’re interested in buying a copy, here’s the link: /web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=1411

NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Just received my copy of Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas (#89), published by the Americas Society, and which includes an excerpt of my novel, The Accidental Native. Thanks to the editors!
APRIL 7, 2014 Para mis amigos hispanohablantes, una reseña de mi novela escrita porYarisa Colón Torres para la revista Cruce:
Happy to be leaving for the Island on a mini tour for The AccIdental Native, March 17-22. I’ll read at three campuses of the UPR system: Mayaguez, Rio Piedras and Cayey. At Cayey, I’ve been invited as a featured guest to participate in the English Department’s “English Week” celebration. At Rio Piedras I will be reading as part of the conference, “The Caribbean without Borders.” Looking forward to meeting old friends, acquaintances, former students and discussing my work. All this and some warm weather and an opportunity to spend some time with family. Thanks to everyone involved in making this happen.
FEBRUARY 25, 2014
Review of The Accidental Native by Shakti Castro. She offers some good insights into the novel. Confused by her statement that the novel stalls in places. Others have said it’s a page turner. You decide. But generally a strong review that does justice to the novel.
And here’s the accompanying interview with her. Good questions. Some of my comments were edited out for length purposes. You can read some of those ideas and thoughts left out in my blog.
JANUARY 19, 2014
Monique Lewis’s article/profile on yours truly and The Accidental Native. It offers some real texture and context for why I wrote the novel.
JANUARY 17, 2014
Thanks to Melanie D. and Monique Lewis for this review from At The Inkwell:
DECEMBER 2, 2013
Thanks to Claudio Ivan Remeseira from NBCLatino for including my novel on this list of “books to buy” for the Holidays. Good advice! It’s not often you can share a list of any kind with the likes of Daniel Alarcon and Edwidge Danticat, two of my favorite writers whom I have taught.
NOVEMBER 24, 2013
Article by Robin Caudell in the Press Republican on my novel, The Accidental Native:
OCTOBER 31, 2013
Eric Ladau interviews me for his radio show on Public Radio, Houston. Wonderful questions. I really enjoyed this interview. He also has me read excerpts from my short story collection and novel, The Accidental Native. Hope you enjoy.
OCTOBER 21, 2013
The Accidental Native reaches the number 2 spot on’s “Hot New Releases” in the Hispanic American Literature and Fiction category–right after Junot Diaz. I’m still shocked.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2013

North American Review accepted my poem, “Abuelo and the Kamikaze Angels.” NAR is the oldest literary journal in the US. I’m honored to be included in this publication that has deep roots and has published so many fine writers.